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The sunny side of life!

Enjoy the sunny side of life in the best company - with the original SCIPPIS Sol Panama. With its striking, cheeky crown and the all-round raised brim, the high-quality sun hat makes an impression right away. The classic shape, the bright Panama straw and the high-contrast black hat set give it a timeless elegance in appearance. As befits a true style icon, the Sol Panama was lovingly made by hand. Of course, the high-quality material with its exquisite weave ensures maximum comfort.

Product features:
Brim width: approx. 8 cm
Head height: approx. 9.5 cm

Color: nature

Size: S, M, L, XL

Material: Paja Toquilla
The sunny side of life!

Enjoy the sunny side of life in the best company - with the original SCIPPIS Sol Panama. With its striking, cheeky crown and the all-round raised brim, the high-quality sun hat makes an impression right away. The classic shape, the bright Panama straw and the high-contrast black hat set give it a timeless elegance in appearance. As befits a true style icon, the Sol Panama was lovingly made by hand. Of course, the high-quality material with its exquisite weave ensures maximum comfort.

Product features:
Brim width: approx. 8 cm
Head height: approx. 9.5 cm

Color: nature

Size: S, M, L, XL

Material: Paja Toquilla
The sunny side of life!

Enjoy the sunny side of life in the best company - with the original SCIPPIS Sol Panama. With its striking, cheeky crown and the all-round raised brim, the high-quality sun hat makes an impression right away. The classic shape, the bright Panama straw and the high-contrast black hat set give it a timeless elegance in appearance. As befits a true style icon, the Sol Panama was lovingly made by hand. Of course, the high-quality material with its exquisite weave ensures maximum comfort.

Product features:
Brim width: approx. 8 cm
Head height: approx. 9.5 cm

Color: nature

Size: S, M, L, XL

Material: Paja Toquilla
The sunny side of life!

Enjoy the sunny side of life in the best company - with the original SCIPPIS Sol Panama. With its striking, cheeky crown and the all-round raised brim, the high-quality sun hat makes an impression right away. The classic shape, the bright Panama straw and the high-contrast black hat set give it a timeless elegance in appearance. As befits a true style icon, the Sol Panama was lovingly made by hand. Of course, the high-quality material with its exquisite weave ensures maximum comfort.

Product features:
Brim width: approx. 8 cm
Head height: approx. 9.5 cm

Color: nature

Size: S, M, L, XL

Material: Paja Toquilla
1 Item

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